
FAQs: answers to the most frequently asked questions

D1: Does the Physico device remove the limescale present in water?

R: When water is heated, the Minerals it contains crystallise to form limescale that are damaging to our water supply systems.
Tecnoacque’s Physico treatment does not remove the minerals that are present in the water to be treated (indispensable for obtaining potable water); it just removes the limescale they creat.

D2: How does this treatment process take place with Physico? How does it work?

R: The electromagnetic induction that takes place in the water as it flows through the device produces the following effects:
1 - When the treated water is heated, instead of forming Calcite and Aragonite crystals (responsible for the build-up of calcareous scales), the minerals present in the water form considerably smaller crystals that are 100% Aragonite, which is not a crystal aggregate and remains suspended in the water, and this is how the water comes out of the tap, thereby eliminating the problem of calcareous scales;
2 - Water treated in this way also reduces the total bacteria count, if present, to the extent of 60-70%, giving us biologically improved water.

D3: Does the hardness level of the water change with Physico?

R: Absolutely not. Treatment with the Physico device does not remove or add anything to the water it is treating; the water remains chemically the same as when it was received, and the hardness of the water after the treatment will be exactly the same as it was before. It is a PHYSICAL treatment (see D2).

D4: Is hard water bad for us?

R: No, not only is hard water not harmful, it is recommended in our diet and for our well-being.
We have attached a note that can be found in the guidelines to follow in Italy, in accordance with Ministerial Decree No. 25, in order to help people understand the importance of the presence of Minerals in water intended for human consumption: “In particular, the important role of water in the provision of mineral elements, such as calcium and magnesium - the main determinants of water "hardness" - is recognised; consuming these elements with water is especially important for individuals who receive marginal intakes of the same elements from other dietary sources, such as those who are lactose intolerant or following an almost exclusively vegetarian diet. The World Health Organization, in view of the importance of the presence of minerals in water intended for human consumption, and in reference not only to potable water obtained through desalting treatments but also to water obtained through domestic treatments that involve reducing the concentration of essential minerals, including calcium and magnesium, requires that, “Users of these devices should be made aware of the changes in mineral composition that arise and the possible consequences for total nutrient intake.”
Therefore, with the Physico treatment we preserve the mineral levels present in the water, at the same time eliminating the damage they can cause to the water supply system.

D5: Can I install Physico in an apartment?

R: Yes, Physico can also be installed in an apartment (subject to verification of the installation space).
The device is small and is therefore also suitable for installing on smaller sized sites.

D6: How much does Physico cost?

R: Physico is manufactured in various models.
The most suitable model to install is agreed on with each individual customer, based on the site and property.
To give you the right quote we need to know where the device will be installed (how many bathrooms and kitchens there are in the apartment/house/apartment block/hotel/restaurant …) and if possible the size of the inlet pipeline of the water supply.

D7: Are specialised technicians needed to install Physico? Do you install the devices directly?

R: Physico doesn’t need to be installed by a specialised technician; any plumber you trust will be able to assemble it in 2/3 hours.
Tecnoacque S.N.C doesn’t carry out the installations directly, but if necessary we can provide, based on the area, the contact details of installers that can assemble the device.

D8: Does the Physico device require maintenance?

R: Treatment using the Physico device doesn't require any kind of maintenance; it works Without Chemical Additives, Without Salt, Without Maintenance i.e. NO RUNNING COSTS. Once installed it is enough to leave it on for 24 hours a day in order for it to function.
The only cost that the user will have is around €20/25 a year for electricity.
It requires no spare parts, although it should be checked occasionally, controlling the transformer light and verifying the magnetic field in the flange, which can be tested with an iron object that should be attracted by the same.
Its effectiveness is constant over time (Physico does not wear out over time).

D9: Does the Physico device work on any level of water hardness?

R: Yes, this treatment works on any level of water hardness.
It removes 98, 5% of the calcareous scales that can form in any type of water.

D10: Can the Physico device create stray currents?

R: No, the installation of Physico cannot create stray currents in the water supply system as it doesn’t use electrodes that are immersed in the water.

D11: Is Physico a water purifier?

R: The use of the word “purifier” in this environment has, rightly, been banned by law, because it leads to consumer misperceptions.
No device can therefore call itself a "water purifier" and it is obliged to define the specific action it performs, e.g.: water softener, reverse osmosis, polyphosphate dispenser, physical system.
Physico is an electromagnetic inductor belonging to the category of physical systems which by nature do not alter the hardness of water; the effectiveness of these systems cannot be proved with simple chemical analysis, but manufacturers are obliged to prove their effectiveness in advance with more complex physical and biological analysis performed in apposite scientific laboratories.

D12: Does Physico produce alkaline water?

R: The Physico treatment doesn’t alter the mineral composition of the water being treated in any way.
Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium and Fixed Residue remain at the same levels as they were in the input water.
This property permits the nutrients found in water intended for human consumption to reach our bodies in their original concentration, performing their healthy and nutritional role in the prevention of various cardiovascular diseases.

D13: I have a water softener where I live, what would you recommend?

R: For water pipelines intended for technical use (W.C. dishwasher, washing machine...) there is no risk of penalties; you must however pay attention to the possible risks of corrosion due to the water being rich in Sodium.
If the pipeline for water intended for human consumption is served by the softener, you risk penalties, as the treated water can no longer be considered suitable for human consumption, in that the original mineral composition supplied by the network has been altered, thereby presenting the aforementioned risks to the health of the user.

D14: I have an osmotizer under my sink, what do you recommend?

R: An osmotizer or reverse osmosis produces demineralised water.
It is usually located downstream from the tap and this is the correct position for avoiding penalties, as it does not intervene in the stretch of the system between the meter (point of entry) and the tap (point of use).
However, Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium and Fixed Residue will be completely removed from your water, depriving you of the mineral and nutritional elements that are essential for your health.
The water coming out of your osmotizer is suitable for technical use (e.g. irons) but not for food use.

D15: I'm using a polyphosphate dispenser, what do you recommend?

R: A polyphosphate dispenser releases preservatives into the water before the heating stage, thereby complexing the Calcium Bicarbonate molecules and preventing precipitation, the effect of which reduces calcareous scales.
Although polyphosphates are actually food preservatives, they are still preservatives.
As law states that water distributed to the point of entry must be maintained unaltered (where it is intended for human consumption) we are incurring the risk of heavy penalties, therefore a polyphosphate dispenser is best avoided.
If on the other hand the water is intended for technical use, we are not risking any kind of penalty.

D16: Potable water and Water intended for human consumption: what’s the difference?

R: Potable water can be consumed occasionally or for short periods under medical supervision, as it can be devoid or depleted of minerals that are essential to nutrition (see bottled waters).
Water intended for human consumption is complete with all the main minerals and micronutrients that are beneficial to a balanced diet for our bodies; drinking it is recommended and encouraged as a deterrent to many degenerative diseases, including those of a cardiovascular nature. The main nutritional elements that are essential in water are: Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium and Fixed residue.

D17: Where is Physico installed?

R: Physico can be installed in both civil and industrial food water supply systems, where there is either a small or large water flow rate, whether it be in an apartment, a house, a Hotel, an apartment block or an industrial environment...
It is installed in the main water distribution pipeline and sized according to the flow rate of the water system; our technicians are on hand to help you make the most suitable choice for your needs.


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PHYSICO® patented and manufactured by Tecnoacque® with its registered office in Via Vò di Placca, 18 - 35020 Due Carrare - Padua - Italy - P.IVA IT02556080287 (Tax Identification Number) - Tel. +39 049 91 25 688 - info@tecnoacque.com - www.tecnoacque.com - info@physico.eu - www.physico.eu